- Adolescent Strategy (SSCP) 2023 - 2026
- Adolescent Strategy (SSCP) 2023 - 2026 Summary Version
- Child Protection Medical Assessment Process, Salford (July 2024)
- Child Sexual Abuse Strategy (SSCP) 2023 - 2026
- Child Sexual Abuse Strategy (SSCP) 2023 - 2026 Summary version
- Children living with substance misusing parents (Adobe PDF format, 133kb)
- Creating Strength-based partnerships with families in Salford - SSCP June 2024 ( Linked document - Engaging Families and Developing Trust)
- Cultural Consciousness Guidance (SSCP, July 2023)
- Escalation Policy/ Effective Challenge and Escalation Procedure (June 2024)
- Exploitation Joint Strategy for Salford (published July 2024)
- Hard to engage families - advice for practitioners (SSCP 2023)
- Harmful Sexual Behaviour (HSB) Pathway - including linked documents 1-9
- Joint Working Protocol - SCC Children's Services & Achieve Recovery (Adobe PDF format, 483 kb)
- Lead Professional Handbook (Adobe PDF format, 630kb)
- MAPPA policy document (2022)
- Out of School Settings (Oct 2023)
- Practice Review Policy and toolkit (Adobe PDF format, 889kb)
- Pre-birth process flowchart
- Pre-birth strategy theory of change
- Restorative conference report for initial case conference (2023)
- Restorative conference report for a review child protection case (2023)
- Restorative conferencing agenda (2023)
- Safe recruitment policy (Adobe PDF format, 1mb)
- Safe recruitment good practice guide (Microsoft Word format, 416kb)
- Salford Safer Sleeping Policy Guidance April 2021 (Adobe PDF format, 1.12mb)
- Safeguarding Children in Jewish Educational Settings and the Community 2023
- Safeguarding template for voluntary organisations, community groups and social enterprises
- Salford standards across adult and children safeguarding (Adobe PDF format, 104kb)
- Schools Code of Conduct for employees in Schools/PRUs
- Schools DSL Supervision Template for Educational Settings (2023)
- Schools KCSIE training requirements for Salford (Sept 2024)
- Schools low level HR and concerns policy template (July 2024)
- Schools safeguarding children audit tool (2023)
- Schools Salford Domestic Abuse Guidance for Education (2023)
- Schools Whistleblowing policy template (2022)
- Support and Safeguarding: Helping Children to Thrive Guidance 2022 (formerly the 'Thresholds of Need')
- Supporting Guidance for Children's and Adults Services in responding to Safeguarding Concerns
- Think Child Guidance 2023 - Assessing the impact of parental mental health (Adobe PDF format, 242kb)
- Think Child, Think Adult, Think Family Guidance (Oct 2023)
- Unregistered Provision Procedure (Sept 2023)
- Use of Force and Restrictive Practices DRAFT (2022)
- Young Person's Plan (YPP) (Adobe PDF format, 1 mb)