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Multi-agency training

The importance of inter-agency co-operation, including information sharing and communication, has been highlighted in all reports concerning child deaths or serious injuries, not least by the Victoria Climbiè inquiry.

Multi-agency training is one way to ensure that a culture of inter-agency cooperation is developed and supported. Research from Carpenter et al (2009) has shown that multi-agency training in particular is useful and valued by professionals in developing a shared understanding of child protection and decision making.  The SSCP Training Charter sets out the expectations for the provision of this training, for those attending and their managers.

Training programme

The SSCP Training Programme is delivered by members of the SSCP training pool. Pool members are practitioners who work in Salford and are released by their agency to deliver training. They are from a wide range of partner agencies which helps to ensure that training meets the needs of a multi-agency audience.

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic the SSCP initially moved to a virtual training programme.  However, as of 2022 a hybrid programme is in place, with some courses moving back to the face to face environment.  This will continually be reviewed with more in person courses being introduced as and when appropriate.  The SSCP also offers a number of seminars throughout the year which are currently advertised on the training pages and in the monthly news.

For most workers who have frequent contact with children, young people and families', it is essential that the Working Together course is completed before other courses are considered.  For those who have previously completed this course, then the 'Refresher' training is advised.

The training programme is complemented by e-learning courses7 minute briefings and learning from Practice Reviews.  A selection of informative presentations can also be viewed on the SSCP You Tube Channel.  

Courses are interactive and may include, presentations, group work, case studies, directed role play, group sculpts, drama, quizzes and games.

Each course is evaluated by participants on the day. Some are evaluated for longer term results by the use of action plans which the participants write and then assess three months later.

Managers will be informed if participants fail to attend or do not complete courses.

Course details and how to apply can be found on the SSCP Training Programme pages. All SSCP courses and seminars are FREE of charge. However The Safeguarding Partnership is now charging agencies for staff who fail to attend if we are not informed of cancellation at least 5 working days before a training event. This includes participants who arrive late and are not admitted by the trainers as they have missed a section of the event or participants who on the day inform the trainers they need to leave early. The following charges would apply:

  • Seminar £20 
  • Half day course £20
  • One day course £40 
  • Two day course £80

If a course is over subscribed, when the closing date for nominations arrives places are offered both to ensure a multi-agency mix and by priority as listed below. Highest priority first.  

  1. Permanent employees from partner agencies who come into contact with Salford children, including volunteers and private sectors within Salford
  2. Agency workers from  partner agencies within Salford. 
  3. Students employed by partner agencies 
  4. Any other student, ie on placement/attachment but not employed by partner agencies.

Prospective participants will be informed three weeks before the course if they have a place. 

Course members are expected to attend for the whole of the course. Multi-agency training is not only about what the worker can learn but how they can contribute their knowledge, skills and expertise to the courses. It is therefore a loss to everyone if people are not available for the full course. Please read the Training Charter before making a course booking. 

Line Managers and Service Managers will be informed if participants fail to attend, do not complete a course or cancel.

We welcome comments about the training programme or individual courses. Please contact the Training Team by email at SSCP Training.

Strategic Workforce Development Subgroup

One of the functions for the Salford Safeguarding Children Partnership (SSCP) is to develop a policy and procedure in relation to training of persons who work with children or in services affecting the safety and welfare of children. (Working Together to Safeguard Children: 2018)

The Strategic Workforce Development Subgroup is a cross partnership group, with a vision to help create and develop an effective, confident and skilled workforce across Salford, through the provision of learning and development opportunities that safeguard and improve the outcomes of children, young people, families and vulnerable adults.

The Strategic Workforce Development Subgroup has strategic overview of training and workforce development relating to all aspects of safeguarding on behalf of the Salford Safeguarding Adults Board (SSAB) and Salford Safeguarding Children’s Partnership (SSCP) with assurance from other partnerships and boards where needed.

Latest news

Details of all the latest news from the Salford Safeguarding Children Partnership.

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