Young people: Services
Downloadable documents
- Safe in Salford (Harbour) Children and young people referral form
- Young people's counselling - The Harbour Project (Adobe PDF, 149kb)
- Encouraging healthy relationships - The Harbour Project (Adobe PDF, 150kb)
- How we can help families - The Harbour Project (Adobe PDF, 94kb)
- Harbour domestic abuse support (Adobe PDF, 276kb)
- Harbour support for children and young people (Adobe PDF, 316kb)
- R'space (Adobe PDF, 4.6mb)
- CEASE flyer (Adobe PDF, 2mb)
- CEASE services and costs (Adobe PDF, 310kb)
- Salford Youth Justice offer (Microsoft Word, 104kb)
- Salford Youth Service offer - young parents (Adobe PDF, 134kb)
- Salford Youth Service offer - young people (Adobe PDF, 133kb)
Useful links
Latest news
Details of all the latest news from the Salford Safeguarding Children Partnership.