Adult perpetrators: Literature and information
Downloadable documents
- Domestic violence perpetrator programs: Education, therapy, support, accountability or struggle (PDF 507kb)
- Violence against women: What's the Pence Line? Jeffrey Edleson, 2010 (PDF 207kb)
- Court mandated interventions for individuals convicted of domestic violence, Feder, Wilson and Austin, 2008 (PDF 207kb)
- Theoretical and research support for the Duluth Model: A reply to Dutton and Corvo (PDF 267kb)
- Service provision for perpetrators of domestic violence, Marianne Hester and Nicole Westmarland, 2006 (PDF 130kb)
- Two types of violence against women in the American family, Michael Johnson, 1999 (PDF 326kb)
- Review of the research on work with domestic violence perpetrators by Thangam Debbonaire, 2010 (PDF 710kb)
- Cost of domestic violence, Sylvia Walby, 2004 (PDF 3.9mb)
- Weak evidence for batterer program alterantives, Edward Gondolf, 2011 (PDF 433kb)
- Emerging lessons from Project Mirabal (PDF 206kb)
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