September 2024
SSCP Annual Report
The report provides information about the work and effectiveness of our local safeguarding children arrangements from 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024. The report will provide an open, honest view of how partners work together in Salford to keep children safe.
Read the Annual Report 2023 - 2024 including the Summary Version
Harmful Sexual Behaviour Pathway
The pathway is to be used by professionals working with children and young people where there are suspicions, allegations made or evidence of the young person engaging in Harmful sexual behaviour. It has been developed jointly between Salford Youth Justice Service and Salford Children’s Services with support from the Salford Safeguarding Children Partnership.
Familiarise yourself with the Harmful Sexual Behaviour (HSB) Pathway via SSCP Policies and procedures
7 minute briefings
New and updated 7 Minute Briefings include;
- Adultification
- Baby Harvesting
- Corporate Parenting Principles
- Escalation and Professional Challenge
- Equality Act
The briefings can be used in a variety of ways:
- Individuals can use the briefing independently for their own learning and development and share with others.
- Teams/Managers encourage circulation and use for information and development and share learning amongst their team i.e. team meetings, supervision, peer support to reflect and improve practice and systems.
- Use at a structured event during training development sessions to complement overall learning and development.
Learning from joint SAR/CSPR
In 2023 a joint Safeguarding Adults Review (SAR) and Child Safeguarding Practice Review (CSPR) was undertaken by an Independent Reviewer. The key themes of the review included:
- Domestic Abuse including coercive and controlling behaviour
- Neglect of the children
- Self-Neglect for the Adult
- Substance Misuse
- Physical Abuse
A joint briefing has been produced to to provide a summary of the key themes and lessons learned. The briefing also highlights resources that professionals can access to support continuous improvement and development.
Creating strength based partnerships with families guidance
We have developed reflective practice guidance to support professionals to deliver effective, strength-based partnerships in the context of safeguarding children, families, and communities in Salford.
The aim is to invite partnership working to engage families and to guide change taking a ‘doing with’ rather than a ‘doing to’ approach. The basis of the approach can be implemented by anyone working with children, young people, and their families, even if the Family Partnership Model is not your day-to-day approach. The model encourages practitioners to gain a better understanding of the lived experiences of families and children by seeing the world through their lens, keeping the child(ren) at the forefront of all decision making and interventions. In addition to the guidance Creating Strength-based partnerships with families in Salford ( SSCP June 2024) you can also access briefings and training on the Family Partnership Model.
Campaigns, Events and Weeks of Action
GM Modern Day Slavery Week of Action 2024
Partner agencies across Greater Manchester are coordinating a week-long programme of events and
campaigns in the lead up to Anti-Slavery Day on 18 October 2024.
Anti-Slavery Day is an opportunity to raise awareness of the fact over 49.6 million people in the world
today, and an estimated 136,000 people in the UK, are trapped in conditions of modern slavery. It was
created by the Anti-Slavery Day Act. From 14 October, a number of activities are taking place across Greater Manchester to raise public awareness around Modern Day slavery and promote best practice for people working in Greater Manchester to identify and report Modern Day Slavery.
Please share the information about the events and campaigns planned for the forthcoming GM Modern Day Slavery Week of Action (week commencing 14 October 2024) across your networks.
- GM Resources, Events and Campaigns
- GM Service Directory on support for survivors of modern day slavery
- 7 minute briefings on Baby Harvesting,Cuckooing including and Cuckooing Guidance | Salford Safeguarding Adults Board
Hate Crime Awareness
A hate crime incident is an offence committed against a person or property that is motivated by an offender's hatred of someone because of their:
- race, colour, ethnic origin, nationality or national origins
- religion
- gender identity
- sexual orientation
- disability
- alternative sub-culture (for example, goth or rocker)
Find out further information including how to report a hate crime on Hate crime, Salford City Council
Further Resources and Materials for National Hate Crime Week
- Plan your National HCAW
- 17-24-30 National Hate Crime Awareness Week - LGBTQ+ Resources and Materials
- Classroom resources Archives - Educate Against Hate
- Young People Resources - Stop Hate UK
Month of Hope
The Month of Hope runs annually in Greater Manchester from 10 September until 10 October. Greater Manchester’s Month of Hope 2024 campaign is about raising awareness of suicide by encouraging everyone to have open conversations and play a role in preventing suicide.
This year’s Month of Hope campaign theme is ‘Changing the Narrative on Suicide’ and raises awareness of the actions we can all take to reduce suicide and instill hope.
A number of events will be happening across Greater Manchester visit Greater Manchester's Month of Hope 2024 | Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership
Managing allegations against adults who work with children - updated process
There are significant changes to enhance the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) referral process. Effective as of 1st August 2024, all LADO referrals will be processed through the new online portal, replacing the previous email-based system.
The portal mirrors the Children's Social Care referral process, if you already have a log in details for the portal you can simply access the portal via your usual details and select “referral to LADO”. If you need access to the Children's Portal, please use the link below to set up an account on or after 1st August where the system will go live.
Salford Children and Families Portal
This transition is designed to provide a faster, more efficient service allowing for fact finding to be uploaded with your referral. This new system will greatly improve the LADO services' ability to respond promptly and effectively to your safeguarding concerns. Please note that as of 1st August 2024 LADO staff will direct all consultations and referrals via the portal without exception.
For further information or guidance including updated policies and procedures, please access Managing allegations against adults who work with children | Salford Safeguarding Children Partnership.
For information on responding to allegations and concerns against people working with adults with care and support needs visit People in Positions of Trust (PIPOT) & Whistleblowing | Salford Safeguarding Adults Board
Transitional Safeguarding
Transitional Safeguarding is gaining momentum locally and regionally as an area of safeguarding requiring more attention. This was reflected in the priorities set out in the Salford Adolescent Strategy 2023 – 2026. For more information on this topic watch the Research in Practice short animation setting out what Transitional Safeguarding is and why it matters.
Online Gaming and Gambling Harm
The SSCP will have a programme of learning available from including the YGAM Spotlight General Awareness Briefing Monday 23 September 2024 - 11am - 11.45am
A number of sessions are also available targeted at different agencies and groups. For further information and booking see flyer and visit Safeguarding Children Partnerships - Ygam
Note: All education DSLs will receive an MS Teams invitation from Amanda Taylor and Elaine Boulger to the YGAM session on Thursday 28th November 9.30 to 11.30am.

Self Care
Aside support, supervision and services available to us in our organisations to support you and your colleagues, you should also prioritise taking better care of yourself and pay attention to what you need.
The following information and resources have been identified to support the wellbeing of our people and teams in the workplace including how we look after ourselves.
- Self care resources | Partners in Salford
- Stress - Every Mind Matters - NHS
- Managing stress and building resilience - tips - Mind
- Greater Manchester Resilience Hub - health and care staff wellbeing service
- Greater Manchester Wellbeing Toolkit | Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership
- Togetherall
- Six Degrees Social Enterprise – Supporting Your Mental Health
- Meditation and Sleep Made Simple - Headspace
- Trauma Responsive Greater Manchester
Information and learning on a variety of subject matters related to safeguarding children and adults, can also be accessed through the SSCP Training Programme, 7 minute briefings, learning from Practice Reviews and the SSCP YouTube Channel.
All enquiries concerning the welfare or safety of a child or requests for information MUST BE SENT DIRECTLY to the Bridge Partnership.
The Bridge Partnership can be contacted on 0161 603 4500. All referrals and requests for support must be completed on the online referral form. The Bridge Partnership is available Monday to Friday 8.30am - 4.30pm. If you need to speak to someone outside these times, please contact the Emergency Duty Team (EDT) on 0161 794 8888. If a child is in immediate danger of being harmed or is home alone, call the police on 999.
If you are worried about an adult - Report abuse or neglect by telephone on: 0161 206 0604. For further information visit the Safeguarding adults page on the Salford City Council website.
Latest news
Details of all the latest news from the Salford Safeguarding Children Partnership.