November 2024 news
Parents 4 Positive Change (P4PC)
P4PC are a group of parents and carers from in and around Salford. Group members have all had involvement with Children's Services, for lots of different reasons and want to work together with the Safeguarding Partnership, to make positive changes across all services. The group is supported and facilitated by the SSCP Listening Hub and Salford Children's Services.
The importance of collaborating with families and co-creating projects and services, is increasingly being recognised and valued. P4PC is therefore looking to grow its membership and is looking for more parents and carers to join. The group meets monthly but there are lots of opportunities to speak, to advise and to comment on making things better. If you would like more information on joining the group for yourself or a parent/carer that you are working with please visit the P4PC web page for more information.
Developing Professional Curiosity

In partnership with the Salford Safeguarding Adults Board (SSAB) we have produced some joint webpages with information on professional curiosity which contains links to various resources including a short animation. Please take some time to look at these resources and share them with your teams / colleagues. They are still being developed so if you have any comments or suggestions, please let us know by emailing or
Think Family
A number of reviews have highlighted the need for professionals to adopt a ‘Think Family’ approach to working with families. Please read the 7-Minute Briefing or plain text version including the Think Child - Think Adult - Think Family Guidance and please share and discuss it with your teams. Both documents can be found on the new joint Think Family webpages.
Parental Mental Health
Earlier this year the SSCP co-ordinated a multi-agency QA Panel which invited practitioners from a range of different agencies to come together and discuss how they work with children whose parents experience poor mental health. The aim of the panel was to highlight and share good practice and look for ways to improve how we support those families across the multi-agency system. Discussions on the day highlighted that in Salford there is a good range of support services available for families, with evidence of good multi-agency working by practitioners who know children and families well and appear to understand the impact of parental mental ill-health on the child. Some of the learning from the day identified that the role of the Mental Health Advocate could potentially be better utilised in Salford to support parents, in addition to the SSCP Think Child guidance. As a result of the QA Panel further multi-agency Parental Mental Health awareness training will be developed and a new SSCP 7 Minute Briefing has been published. If you would like a copy of the full report from the QA Panel please contact
Don't forget to visit Parental Mental Health for more information and resources.
Kooth are also hosting webinars for professionals AND parents/carers and young people aiming to provide you tips to support young people and their mental health including tools that have been designed to teach helpful empowering techniques to young people.To book your places click here;
7 minute Briefings
The SSCP produces 7 minute briefings to offer insights from case reviews and themed learning, along with challenge questions for agencies, teams, and individuals to reflect on and consider in their practice.The briefings can be used in a variety of ways:

- Individuals can use the briefing independently for their own learning and development and share with others.
- Teams/Managers encourage circulation and use for information and development and share learning amongst their team i.e. team meetings, supervision, peer support to reflect and improve practice and systems.
- Use at a structured event during training development sessions to complement overall learning and development
New and updated 7 Minute Briefings include;
- Adultification
- Baby Harvesting
- Beds in Sheds Rogue Landlords
- Corporate Parenting Principles
- Escalation and Professional Challenge
- Equality Act
- Making a good referral
- Parental Mental Health
- Think Family
National Updates and Learning
I wanted them all to notice: Protecting children and responding to child sexual abuse within the family environment
The Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel has released their latest report, titled "National Review into Child Sexual Abuse within the Family Environment." The report highlights that safeguarding agencies lacked the necessary skills and support to effectively listen to, understand, and protect children from severe abuse. It urges the government to swiftly implement a national action plan to safeguard and support children at risk.
You can also read the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel Newsletter - Special Edition Nov 2024 which includes a practitioner briefing and a Webinar: Child Sexual Abuse within the Family Environment Tickets, Wed 15 Jan 2025 at 12:00
Keeping children safe, helping families thrive
Keeping children safe, helping families thrive outlines the government’s commitment to keeping families together and children safe.
It also outlines a commitment to support children to live in family settings where children cannot remain at home, including through kinship or foster care, rather than residential care.
Alongside this, the statement sets out ambitions to fix the broken care market, and ensure the system is working effectively for vulnerable children and families.
Safeguarding children with disabilities and complex health needs in residential settings
Read the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel’s phase 2 report on Safeguarding children with disabilities and complex health needs in residential settings.
Serious Youth Violence: Multi-agency response
Findings from 6 joint targeted area inspections focused on how local partnerships of children’s social care, health services, schools, the police and youth justice services work together to respond to serious youth violence. Inspectors tracked the experiences of hundreds of children across England and spoke to many families affected by serious youth violence.
Read the press release on Serious youth violence more far-reaching than many realise - GOV.UK and the report on ‘Multi-agency responses to serious youth violence: working together to support and protect children’
Children with complex needs that are deprived of their liberty
Restricting liberty is one of the most significant interventions the state can make into a child’s life. A deprivation of liberty order may include authorisation for children to be supervised at all times, prevented from leaving their accommodation at will, denied phone and internet access, and restrained by professionals when this is deemed necessary. Although these children are living in the community, they are often, by virtue of their restrictions, extremely isolated, and largely hidden from view.
The experiences shared by children in this report illustrate the impact of living with a deprivation of liberty order. From the report it is clear that, before this measure is considered, children with complex situations and trauma should receive targeted, individualised support and services, at an early stage, to prevent an escalation of risk wherever possible. Read the report by Children's Commissioner including the recommendations Children with complex needs who are deprived of liberty: Interviews with children to understand their experiences of being deprived of their liberty | Children's Commissioner for England
Voluntary agencies: Learning from case reviews

This briefing focuses on findings from published case reviews which specifically relate to voluntary and community sector organisations.
Case reviews often mention the vital support voluntary agencies provide to children and families facing adversities. However, there is sometimes a lack of clarity about voluntary agencies’ roles and responsibilities for child protection and safeguarding.
The learning from these reviews highlights that organisations in the voluntary sector need to:
- have clear child protection policies and procedures
- work closely with other agencies to keep children safe and respond to concerns
In Salford we have a thriving and diverse Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise sector. Salford CVS is the city-wide infrastructure organisation for the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector; providing specialist information, advice, development support and opportunities for influence and collaboration. For further information visit: Home | Salford CVS
Right Care Right Person

Right Care, Right Person (RCRP) is a new approach to dealing with calls to the police from people with issues to which policing is not always the best agency to help. This could be where there are concerns for a person’s welfare linked to such issues as mental health, medical or social care needs where a police response isn’t always appropriate.
This new approach is about getting the right person with the right skills, training and experience to provide the best support for that individual.
Now with the new launch of RCRP, the police call handler will signpost callers to other more suited agencies where appropriate. Here in Greater Manchester, this could be Greater Manchester Mental Health, North West Ambulance Service or a service in their local authority. This approach will enable police officers to have more time to fight, prevent and reduce crime, harm, and anti-social behaviour; investigate and solve crime, and keep people and communities safe.
Get the right care from the right person
Campaigns, Events and Weeks of Action
Greater Manchester Programme of Learning & Development Events from 18th November 2024
Please access the latest programme of learning and development events developed and delivered by our fantastic GM Partners. All sessions are free of charge and delivered via Microsoft Teams. MS Teams links and a synopsis of each events are detailed within this programme Greater Manchester Programme of Learning & Development Events
Please share with your networks of professionals and parents and carers as appropriate.
If you have any questions please contact:
The National County Lines Coordination Centre are also hosting are a number of free training events that are taking place throughout November, these include:
County Lines Awareness Sessions open to police and partner agency representatives. Please click on the links below to register.
- Tuesday 19th November 13.00-14.15
- Wednesday 27th November 9.00-10.15
- Friday 29th November 9.00-10.15
NRM Myth Busting: Monday 25th November 10-11am (Police and Partners) During this interactive session you will work through historic County Lines case studies to better understand the NRM process. We will explore the effects of the NRM submission, culminating in advice regarding considerations when navigating the process. Please book directly.
Criminal Exploitation – Lived Experience Webinars (Police and Partners) This event seeks to engage delegates to develop a greater understanding of criminal exploitation. The investigation of child criminal exploitation, particularly county lines, presents unique challenges and complexities for investigators. You will hear accounts from victims of criminal exploitation in order to better inform our practices. Please book via the links below.
- Wednesday 20th November 2024 1-.30-3pm
- Thursday 21st November 2024 9.30-11am
- Tuesday 26th November 2024 1.30-3pm
- Wednesday 27th November 2024 9.30-11am
Safeguarding Adults Week 18-22nd November
Led by the Ann Craft Trust, Safeguarding Adults Week is an excellent opportunity to refocus on safeguarding whether this be sharing information in your team meetings, reviewing training needs for yourself or your team members, allocating some time to refresh your knowledge or learn something new or it could be about making sure information is on display for colleagues and/or the public.
The themes for this year are:
- Monday – Look, Listen, Ask – Developing Professional Curiosity
- Tuesday – Working in partnership: How to work effectively with the people you support
- Wednesday – Establishing professional boundaries
- Thursday – Recognising exploitation: The ladder of criminality
- Friday – Professional and organisational learning
For more information on Adult Safeguarding visit Latest News | Salford Safeguarding Adults Board and Salford Safeguarding Adults Board
Hate Crime Awareness
A hate crime incident is an offence committed against a person or property that is motivated by an offender's hatred of someone because of their:
- race, colour, ethnic origin, nationality or national origins
- religion
- gender identity
- sexual orientation
- disability
- alternative sub-culture (for example, goth or rocker)
Find out further information including how to report a hate crime on Hate crime•Salford City Council
Further Resources and Materials for National Hate Crime Week
- Plan your National HCAW
- 17-24-30 National Hate Crime Awareness Week - LGBTQ+ Resources and Materials
- Classroom resources Archives - Educate Against Hate
- Young People Resources - Stop Hate UK
Islamaphobia Awareness Month - Seeds of Change
Islamophobia Awareness Month takes place annually in November to celebrate the positive contributions of Muslims to British society and raise awareness of Islamophobia, challenging stereotypes and misconceptions about Islam and Muslims, and promoting unity and inclusion.
The theme for 2024 is 'Seeds of Change', to emphasise the importance of how small actions contribute to big change.
Come along to this 90 minutes virtual session organised by the Equality and Inclusion team at NHS GM to learn how you can foster inclusivity, understanding and empowerment to take meaningful action against Islamophobia.
The first part will be a number of presentations given by the panel members and the second half will provide attendees the opportunity to partake in a Q & A session with all the panel members. This event is open to all colleagues (healthcare and non-healthcare) across Greater Manchester – to book on please click on the link:
Gender Based Violence
Greater Manchester has launched its Gender-Based Violence Delivery Plan for 2024-26 to coincide with the start of this year’s #16Days of activism against gender-based violence and #WhiteRibbonDay 🎗️ The new two-year plan outlines how the city-region will continue to come together to tackle all forms of gender-based violence and the attitudes that allow it to occur. This plan builds on the Lived Experience Panel and the #IsThisOK campaign, and outlines how partners and organisations can work together to reduce gender-based violence across Greater Manchester.
Self Care: Trauma Responsive Workforce
Alongside support, supervision and services available to us in our organisations to support you and your colleagues, you should also prioritise taking better care of yourself and pay attention to what you need.
The following information and resources have been identified to support the wellbeing of our people and

teams in the workplace including how we look after ourselves.
- Self care resources | Partners in Salford
- Stress - Every Mind Matters - NHS (
- Managing stress and building resilience - tips - Mind
- Greater Manchester Resilience Hub - health and care staff wellbeing service
- Greater Manchester Wellbeing Toolkit | Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership
- Togetherall
- Six Degrees Social Enterprise – Supporting Your Mental Health (
- Meditation and Sleep Made Simple - Headspace
- Trauma Responsive Greater Manchester (
Information and learning on a variety of subject matters related to safeguarding children and adults, can also be accessed through the SSCP Training Programme, 7 minute briefings, learning from Practice Reviews and the SSCP YouTube Channel.
All enquiries concerning the welfare or safety of a child or requests for information MUST BE SENT DIRECTLY to the Bridge Partnership.
The Bridge Partnership can be contacted on 0161 603 4500. All referrals and requests for support must be completed on the online referral form. The Bridge Partnership is available Monday to Friday 8.30am - 4.30pm. If you need to speak to someone outside these times, please contact the Emergency Duty Team (EDT) on 0161 794 8888. If a child is in immediate danger of being harmed or is home alone, call the police on 999.
If you are worried about an adult - Report abuse or neglect by telephone on: 0161 206 0604. For further information visit the Safeguarding adults page on the Salford City Council website.
Latest news
Details of all the latest news from the Salford Safeguarding Children Partnership.