We are a group of parents and carers from in and around Salford. We have all had involvement with Children's Services, for lots of different reasons and want to work together with the Safeguarding Partnership, to make positive changes across all services.
Parents 4 Positive Change

We collaborate with the Salford Safeguarding Children Partnership which includes the Local Authority, health services and all its partner agencies, to influence change in services and practice.
We support the content and delivery of training and events for practitioners who work with families in Salford.
We meet once a month to plan and work on projects, supported by staff from the SSCP and Children's Services.
Domestic Abuse Campaign
P4PC are currently working with members of the Local Authority to design and plan a campaign to encourage people to call the Police if they hear or witness a neighbour experiencing domestic abuse. Alongside the campaign P4PC will select appropriate resources for information and support to be shared and promoted on relevant web pages.
Local and Regional Safeguarding Children Conferences
In October and November 2024, two of the group members attended local and regional conferences in Salford and Manchester and spoke to over 100 multi-agency professionals about working in collaboration with parents. Feedback was exceptional and the impact of the group sharing their lived experience and advising professionals was powerful.
Training for Social Workers
In 2023 P4PC collaborated with Children's Services to co-design some training for social workers on how to build positive relationships and work in partnership with families. This training was delivered to social workers in Salford and received excellent feedback. More training is being planned for 2024.
Coming Home Checklist
In 2022 P4PC in partnership with Welfare Rights, collaborated on a piece of work to create a checklist, to help support families when a child was being returned home. In June 2023 the checklist was presented to the SSCP by Children's Services when it was approved for use. The impact of the checklist aims to improve the process and outcomes for children being returned home, enabling the right support is in place for families at the right time.
Support and Safeguarding Guidance
In June 2021 a consultation event took place to look at replacing Salford's 'Thresholds' document with new guidance for practitioners, supporting families in the area. The new 'Support and Safeguarding Guidance' was launched in January 2022 with a second updated launch in 2023.
P4PC contributed to the development of this guidance designed to to better promote working in partnership with families.
Members of P4PC helped to promote and launch the guidance at multi-agency events.
P4PC currently has members who have experience of children's social care as:
- Parents
- Foster carers
- Family members
- Care experienced people
The group is always interested in hearing from potential new members.
If you are interested in joining, want to learn more about the group, or have an idea you would like to share to help improve services for children and families in Salford, please complete the contact form on the bottom of the page Parents and carers | Salford Safeguarding Children Partnership or email: thelisteninghub@salford.gov.uk
P4PC works closely with The Listening Hub. The Listening Hub supports and collaborates with a wide range of partnership agencies to ensure that each service is listening to children, families and professionals, and more importantly taking action as a result of what is being heard. The Hub and its members believe that children, young people, families, carers, and local communities in Salford need to be listened to so that we can understand what matters and can make a positive difference to people living in Salford.
Latest news
Details of all the latest news from the Salford Safeguarding Children Partnership.