Adult perpetrators: Resources
Downloadable documents
- 121 support session booklet (PDF 4.7mb)
- Control log (PDF 192kb)
- Control log guidance for use in group work (PDF 530kb)
- De-escalation plan (Word 44kb)
- DASH (PDF 608kb)
- Active listening (PDF 180kb)
- Alcohol assessment (JPG 68kb)
- Asking about risk (PDF 247kb)
- Assessment questions (PDF 628kb)
- D5M9 Child empathy role play (PDF 351kb)
- Damian and Kelly's 2013 DVPP responsibility road map (PDF 377kb)
- Empathy role play (PDF 132kb)
- Handout on practice guidance suitability (PDF 62kb)
- Inventory of controlling behaviours (Word 20kb)
- Love and empathy extracts from Ahimsa by Paul Wolf-light (PDF 153kb)
- Motivational questions (PDF 86kb)
- Power and control wheel equality wheel (PowerPoint 79kb)
- PowerPoint for 6 day training course on group work with men who use IPV (PDF 5mb)
- Questions to respond to denial minimisation and blame (PDF 135kb)
- Re-enactment notes IPV (PDF 565kb)
- Sexual abuse scenario (PDF 51kb)
- Thoughts, Feelings, Behaviour (PDF 202kb)
- Violence autobiography (JPG 40kb)
- Ways of avoiding talking honestly and openly about abusive behaviour (PDF 112kb)
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