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E-Learning Courses

The courses and resources below are mainly free of charge. The SSCP is not responsible for the quality and content on external websites. Agencies are advised to check with the individual providers for any fees that may be applied.

The SSCP would welcome any feedback you have, please email the SSCP Training team

This training was developed with funding and support from NHS Greater Manchester.

Autism and Suicide Awareness Training :: Zero Suicide Alliance

About the course

Co-produced with people from the autistic community, our Autism and Suicide Awareness Training aims to:

  • Share information about autism and suicide risk
  • Share real experiences
  • Coach you through spotting the signs and supporting an autistic person with four different scenarios (you can choose which ones you want to complete)
  • Share resources for further support

Who it's for 

This course has been developed for anyone to take the training, but we particularly recommend you take the training if you are part of the autistic community or work with autistic people.

This course is recommended for people aged 16 or over.

Have a look at more  Free online training from Zero Suicide Alliance


Understanding Children: Babies being heard - Open Learn

In this course you will find out some of the things that very young babies can do and discover how babies can contribute to family life and relationships from birth. You will look at what they need from other adults and children, and what they can learn.

Visit Child Sexual Abuse | Salford Safeguarding Children Partnership

This resource has been created to raise awareness and aim to strengthen the multi-agency approach in identifying and responding to Child Sexual Abuse in Salford.  

Keep Them Safe: Protecting Children from Child Sexual Exploitation

Pace UK, in partnership with Virtual College, has launched an interactive online information package for parents on the signs of child sexual exploitation. This free tool is designed to equip parents with the information and knowledge to safeguard children from this abuse. 

Please note that this on-line package is also suitable for staff, professionals and practitioners who work with children and has received excellent feedback. The package quickly gives you the knowledge and information to be confident recognising and tackling this abuse. The tool is interactive and will take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete, but can be completed and reviewed at your own pace.

Contextual Safeguarding Network

This network brings together practitioners, researchers and policy makers who are committed to protecting young people from harm outside of the home. Join the network to for free access to resources, tutorials, videos and briefings.

 Understanding Animal Welfare in Violent Homes - Virtual College

This free course is aimed at all professionals who have a responsibility to safeguard vulnerable children, young people and adults at risk and help understand the link between family abuse and animal abuse.

Conducting a Domestic Homicide Review - Home Office

This course is for frontline practitioners who will be taking part in Domestic Homicide Reviews. By the end of the course you will gain an understanding of the domestic homicide review processes, your individual role and responsibilities within the review process and the importance of sharing best practice and lessons learned locally. Further information and guidance is also available.

Prevent duty training: Learn how to support people susceptible to radicalisation

Find the right training course for you

The government training courses are designed, and are appropriate for, staff working in sectors covered by the Prevent duty. These include education, health, local authorities, police and criminal justice agencies. Other sectors that are not covered may also complete this training. You do not have to complete all the courses. You should refer to your organisation's training requirements to determine which courses are appropriate for you.

List of courses

  1. Course 1 - Awareness course
  2. Course 2 - Referrals course
  3. Course 3 - Channel or Prevent Multi-Agency Panel (PMAP) course

List of refresher courses

  1. Course - Refresher awareness course




The Home Office has launched a free online training package dealing with female genital mutilation (FGM), developed with Virtual College. It will give teachers, police, doctors, social workers and Border Force staff the training they need to help them identify and assist girls who are at risk of FGM.

The training provides safeguarding professionals with an overview of FGM and their responsibilities in FGM cases. It also contains information on how to prevent FGM and helps professionals support those who have been subjected to it.

Further information Female genital mutilation - GOV.UK (

The FMU has developed a new forced marriage e-learning package for professionals. The modules aim to enable professionals to recognise the warning signs of forced marriage and ensure that the appropriate action is taken to help protect and support all those at risk. 

Please email if you encounter problems registering.

Brook Learn - Brook

Talking about relationships and sex with young people isn’t always easy. To help professionals, Brook have developed digital learning to empower, support and encourage professionals to deliver effective relationships and sex education (RSE). Sign-up to Brook Learn to access free courses on: How to deliver RSE, Consent, STIs, Puberty, Contraception, Pleasure, Relationships & enduring love, Emergency contraception and Abortion.

Emotional Health and Wellbeing of Children and Young People

Children and young people's emotional health and wellbeing is everyone's business. Further information including the Emotional Health Directory of Services is available on Emotional Health for Children and Young People and the different types of resources and training/events that are available to support children and young people's emotional health and wellbeing.


Free educational resources containing advice, guidance and information on managing a wide range of mental health issues in children, young people and older people. MindEd has e-learning applicable across the health, social care, education, criminal justice and community settings. It is aimed at anyone from beginner through to specialist.

Understanding Young Minds

SelfharmUK in partnership with Virtual college have created a free online course to help parents talk about the issue of self-harm with their children.

GMMH Recovery Academy courses

The academy offers a range of interesting and inspiring courses free of charge to support recovery and breakdown mental health related stigma and discrimination.

All the courses are free, but you need to register and sign our Student Charter before attending, register here

Improving Mental Health - Self Help Online Therapy

This service offers a range of online therapy courses across Salford to support people who are experiencing depression, anxiety, stress, insomnia and sleep-related problems. Individuals accessing this service will be provided with guidance and assistance by highly-skilled staff and volunteers.

Childhood neglect: training resources - Department for Education

Resources for training multi-agency participant groups in identifying and dealing with child neglect.

Introduction to cyber security: stay safe online - Open Learn

This free online course, Introduction to cyber security: stay safe online, will help you to understand online security and start to protect your digital life, whether at home or work. You will learn how to recognise the threats that could harm you online and the steps you can take to reduce the chances that they will happen to you.

#LiveSkills: resources - Think U Know

#LiveSkills is a package of resources for 8-18 year olds focusing on live streaming, one of the most popular online activities for children and young people. It explores the features of live streaming and the specific risks children and young people can face.

We’ve developed resources on safeguarding children & adults during Covid19 including a volunteer fact sheet, a short video accompanied by a #SeeSayDo information sheet and a 7 minute briefing on safeguarding information for volunteers

FREE online training courses teach you the skills and confidence to have a potentially life-saving conversation with someone you’re worried about.

Many of the training courses are also available in British Sign Language (BSL).

 Free online training from Zero Suicide Alliance

Modern Slavery Training and Guidance- Home Office

This resource is designed to share examples of training products available to public sector professionals and other individuals that might come across victims to help raise awareness, better spot the signs and increase confidence in reporting modern slavery when potential cases are encountered.

In Your Hands - Safeguarding Child Victims of Trafficking

ECPAT UK provides training throughout the UK and internationally on child protection in tourism and on the protection of child victims of trafficking. In particular, ECPAT UK operates a national training programme on safeguarding children to increase awareness and highlight the specific support needs of trafficked children.

Child trafficking and modern slavery

This course has been developed by Virtual College in partnership with West Yorkshire Police, safeguarding boards and ECPAT UK who are a leading children’s rights organisation campaigning against child trafficking and exploitation. The course fee is £30 + VAT, discounts are available for multiple purchases. Virtual College is donating 10% of all sales of this course to ECPAT UK to help in the fight against child trafficking.

The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism is named after Oliver McGowan, whose death shone a light on the need for health and social care staff to have better training. The Health and Care Act 2022 introduced a statutory requirement that regulated service providers must ensure their staff receive learning disability and autism training appropriate to their role.     

The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism is the government’s preferred and recommended training for health and social care staff.

The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism | NHS England | Workforce, training and education

Weight Stigma Training

Public Health Scotland have created a Learning Hub Challenging Weight Stigma. It is free to access and open to all.

This learning hub aims to increase awareness of weight stigma, its impact, and what we can do to address it. It is free to access and to complete the training. There is a 2 minute introductory video to the weight stigma hub.

Learning objectives of the free training

  • Describe what weight stigma means, and the effects it can have.
  • Describe how weight stigma undermines public health efforts to address obesity/higher weight.
  • Introduce approaches that address weight stigma and improve outcomes for individuals with higher weight.
  • Guide on how to have good conversations about higher weight and behaviour change.
  • Provide opportunities for personal reflections that enable practice improvement.

Virtual College

Virtual College has produced a range of free e-learning courses in subjects such: Infection Prevention and Control, Introduction to GDPR, Awareness of Type 1 Diabetes, Prevent COVID-19, Mental Health and Wellbeing Resource Pack, Working from Home Resource Pack and more.

The Open University

You can choose an OpenLearn course from a wide range of subjects. Some are based on Open University course materials. Others are written specifically for OpenLearn.

Safeguarding Adults - SCIE

Training and consultancy services and free resources to help safeguarding boards, care providers, housing providers, local authorities, the NHS (including clinical commissioning groups) or police to safeguard adults at risk of abuse or neglect.

 Safeguarding during Covid-19 - Child Protection Company 

Latest news

Details of all the latest news from the Salford Safeguarding Children Partnership.

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