Young people: Resources
Downloadable documents
- A teen's guide to safety planning (PDF, 936kb)
- Coping with domestic abuse: for children aged 6 to 12 (PDF, 585kb)
- Domestic abuse worksheets: primary school resources (PDF, 875kb)
- Domestic abuse worksheets: secondary school resources (PDF, 714kb)
- SafeLives Risk Identification Checklist for the identification of high risk cases of domestic abuse, stalking and ‘honour’-based violence (Word, 1.3mb)
- Safety plan for young people (PDF, 420kb)
- Spiralling tool kit for safer, healthier relationships (PDF, 1.3mb)
- Teen power and control wheel (PDF, 212kb)
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Spiralling Toolkit and DVD: Young People and Domestic Violence and Abuse from Bristol AVA on Vimeo.
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Details of all the latest news from the Salford Safeguarding Children Partnership.