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April 2024

Previous news items are available by month of publication from the news tab.

Salford Safeguarding Children Partnership circulate monthly E-Bulletins; if you would like to be included on the distribution list, please email

Autism and Suicide Awareness Training

This training was developed with funding and support from NHS Greater Manchester.

About the course

Co-produced with people from the autistic community, our Autism and Suicide Awareness Training aims to:

  • Share information about autism and suicide risk
  • Share real experiences
  • Coach you through spotting the signs and supporting an autistic person with four different scenarios (you can choose which ones you want to complete)
  • Share resources for further support

To access this course and other online courses visit SSCP E-Learning Courses 

Child Sexual Abuse: Call to Action

"Victims and survivors of intra-familial child sexual abuse can and do recover from their abuse, especially when supported by professionals who are trained to best support them and their families" (CSA Centre)

The SSCP in response to feedback from Salford professionals has created a CSA repository of training, resources and information. We are calling for your action to ensure all practitioners, managers and leaders access and share this resource Child Sexual Abuse | Salford Safeguarding Children Partnership across your workforce and with children, young people, parents/carers and community members.

Call to action in April: Access the CSA Centre’s free eLearning course (or equivalent), Identifying and responding to intra-familial child sexual abuse, which takes just 90 minutes to complete and consists of three engaging modules, with interactive tasks, video explainers and a final assessment. It is designed for professionals at all stages of their career; for those new to safeguarding, or as a helpful refresher.

Visit the Child Sexual Abuse  page for this course and other training and information from basic to specialist levels. For continued improvement and provision of resources please complete the short survey with your feedback and recommendations – this will support us to evidence impact and build a confident and skilled workforce.

Think Family: Good Practice Event

Tuesday 11th June 2024 9:30-12 noon via Microsoft Teams 

Think family means securing better outcomes for adults, children and families by coordinating the support and delivery of services from all organisations. In Salford, we want all professionals / practitioners to recognise the importance of this approach and to adopt and embrace it in their work.

We are holding this joint event to raise awareness of these reoccurring learning themes and to share good practice guidance. The event will explore how professionals can support children and adults in a more person-centred way, and in the context of the family in which they live.

This session is relevant to a wide range of multi-agency professionals from all services, especially practitioners and managers who come into contact with adults and children.

Further information and  on booking details on the Think Family Good Practice Event

Solvent Abuse - Poppers, Balloons etc

Re-Solv is an organisation who works to reduce the harms caused by solvent abuse and the misuse of other legal substances in the UK.

Re-Solv describe how solvent abuse includes the deliberate inhalation of volatile compounds including gases such as butane and nitrous oxide, petrol, solvents and some glues. These are found quite legitimately in everyday products found in homes and high streets.  Directly inhaling gases and solvents can kill instantly and there is no ‘safe’ way of doing it that avoids this risk.

More more information, support and training visit the Re-Solv website.

SSCP Listening Hub Update: Focus on Mental Health

The Salford Safeguarding Partnership (SSCP) works with a wide range of partners and is committed to promoting engagement and participation from a wide range of professionals and those that live in Salford. We believe that children, young people, families, carers, and local communities in Salford need to be listened to so that we can understand what matters and can make a positive difference to people living in Salford. For more information visit the Listening Hub web page.

Over the last few years a number of consultations has shown that concerns around mental health and mental health support is a priority for young people. Over the past 3 months the Listening Hub has been reviewing these consultations and seeking to understand any changes in practice or service provision resulting from them. This information is now being collated to share with young people, parents/carers, and professionals.

If you have any information on this topic you would like to share, either regarding views and voices of young people and families, or in relation to services provided then please email

For information and support on local mental health and emotional well being services please see The Salford Thrive Directory. The below articles may also be of interest:

Suicide Prevention:

Young Carer Representative Sought

Gaddum Young Carers Service is seeking a young carer to join the Greater Manchester Combined Youth Authority (GMYCA). The representative will need to be willing to share their own experiences within the group. For further information visit the links below:

Weight Stigma Training

Public Health Scotland have created a Learning Hub Challenging Weight Stigma. It is free to access and open to all.

This learning hub aims to increase awareness of weight stigma, its impact, and what we can do to address it. It is free to access and to complete the training. There is a 2 minute introductory video to the weight stigma hub.

Learning objectives of the free training

  • Describe what weight stigma means, and the effects it can have.
  • Describe how weight stigma undermines public health efforts to address obesity/higher weight.
  • Introduce approaches that address weight stigma and improve outcomes for individuals with higher weight.
  • Guide on how to have good conversations about higher weight and behaviour change.
  • Provide opportunities for personal reflections that enable practice improvement.

You can access the training including other e-learning courses by visiting E-Learning Courses | Salford Safeguarding Children Partnership

Policies and Procedures

Policies and procedures provide clarity and consistency, by communicating what people need to do and why, Policies can also communicate goals, values and the culture of the organisation with enough direction for professionals and community members to understand the roles and responsibilities we all have in safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.

Organisations in Salford and Greater Manchester are advised to refer to the Greater Manchester Safeguarding Children Procedures Manual and relevant local Policies and Procedures.

Unpacking Complex Trauma: Free live webinar

Thursday May 16, 2024, 05:00 PM – 06:30 PM  -  Further information and booking details

The UKTC’s online event will explore what complex trauma means, how it might be defined, and considering the impact on children and young people. Through short presentations, the speakers will present different dimensions of complex trauma from perspectives such as systemic, structural, cognitive and neuroscience. This will be followed by a panel discussion.

The live event is aimed at professionals supporting children and young people who have experienced trauma.

Oliver McGowan Training on Learning Disability and Autism

The training is named after Oliver McGowan. Oliver was a young man whose death shone a light on the need for health and social care staff to have better skills, knowledge and understanding of the needs for autistic people and people with a learning disability.

The Oliver McGowan Training on Learning Disability and Autism is the government’s preferred and recommended training for health and social care staff.

You can access the training including other e-learning courses by visiting E-Learning Courses | Salford Safeguarding Children Partnership

Stress Awareness Month - Self care, support and services

Aside support, supervision and services available to us in our organisations to support you and your colleagues, you should also prioritise taking better care of yourself and pay attention to what you need.

The following information and resources have been identified to support the wellbeing of our people and teams in the workplace including how we look after ourselves.

In case you missed it!

In support of April World Autism Month and although Neurodiversity Celebration Week (18-24 March) has ended, we should always raise awareness, learn and celebrate different minds.

For more information visit:

Latest news

Details of all the latest news from the Salford Safeguarding Children Partnership.

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