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September 2024

Previous news items are available by month of publication from the news tab.

Salford Safeguarding Children Partnership circulate monthly E-Bulletins; if you would like to be included on the distribution list, please email

Managing Allegations against adults who work with children - updated process

There are significant changes to enhance the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) referral process. Effective as of 1st August 2024, all LADO referrals will be processed through the new online portal, replacing the previous email-based system.

The portal mirrors the Children's Social Care referral process,  if you already have a log in details for the portal you can simply access the portal via your usual details and select “referral to LADO”. If you need access to the Children's Portal, please use the link below to set up an account on or after 1st August where the system will go live.

Salford Children and Families Portal

This transition is designed to provide a faster, more efficient service allowing for fact finding to be uploaded with your referral. This new system will greatly improve the LADO services' ability to respond promptly and effectively to your safeguarding concerns. Please note that as of 1st August 2024 LADO staff will direct all consultations and referrals via the portal without exception.

For further information or guidance including updated policies and procedures, please access Managing allegations against adults who work with children | Salford Safeguarding Children Partnership.

For information on responding to allegations and concerns against people working with adults with care and support needs visit People in Positions of Trust (PIPOT) & Whistleblowing | Salford Safeguarding Adults Board

Exploitation - Children and Adults Training Needs

We need your feedback to help plan our exploitation training offer in Salford. We want to hear from practitioners, volunteers, designated safeguarding leads, managers, and strategic leads in your organisation.

The purpose of this training needs survey is to support the implementation of the Salford's Joint Exploitation Strategy in line with our vision for all children, young people, and adults in Salford to feel safe and protected from the risk of exploitation. The information provided will allow the Joint Exploitation Subgroup to analyse what is currently available to the community and workforce (including volunteers) and identify any gaps so that everyone who comes into contact with children, young people and adults is able to recognise and know how to respond when they are at risk of or experiencing exploitation.

The training needs survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. We will need responses by 26th August 2024

Corporate Parenting Principles

A recent case review in Salford highlighted that not all agencies are aware of how the Corporate Parenting Principles apply to their own individual agencies when working with children who are Cared For by the Local Authority (under Section 31 or Section 20 of the Children Act 1989). The Corporate Parenting Principles also apply to children who have left or are leaving care. Find out more about how you can apply the Corporate Parenting Principles by reading the new 7 Minute Briefing that has been developed by the SSCP. 

Further briefings are also available on 7 Minute Briefings | Salford Safeguarding Children Partnership

Baby Harvesting

Child harvesting or baby harvesting refers to the systemic sale of human children, typically for adoption by families in the developed world, but sometimes for other purposes, including trafficking. The term covers a wide variety of situations and degrees of economic, social and physical coercion. Baby harvesting is a form of Modern Slavery and a subset of human trafficking.

For more information see the NHS 7 Minute Briefing on Baby Harvesting.  You can find this and many others on the SSCP 7 Minute Briefing web page.

Transitional Safeguarding

Transitional Safeguarding is gaining momentum locally and regionally as an area of safeguarding requiring more attention. This was reflected in the priorities set out in the Salford Adolescent Strategy 2023 – 2026. For more information on this topic watch the  Research in Practice short animation setting out what Transitional Safeguarding is and why it matters.

Online Gaming and Gambling Harm

The SSCP will have a programme of learning available from including the YGAM Spotlight General Awareness Briefing Monday 23 September 2024 - 11am - 11.45am

A number of sessions are also available targeted at different agencies and groups. For further information and booking see flyer and visit Safeguarding Children Partnerships - Ygam

Note: All education DSLs will receive an MS Teams invitation from Amanda Taylor and Elaine Boulger to the YGAM session on Thursday 28th November 9.30 to 11.30am.

Learning from joint SAR/CSPR

In 2023 a joint Safeguarding Adults Review (SAR) and Child Safeguarding Practice Review (CSPR) was undertaken by an Independent Reviewer. The key themes of the review included:

  • Domestic Abuse including coercive and controlling behaviour
  • Neglect of the children
  • Self-Neglect for the Adult
  • Substance Misuse
  • Physical Abuse

A joint briefing has been produced to to provide a summary of the key themes and lessons learned. The briefing also highlights resources that professionals can access to support continuous improvement and development.

Upcoming workshops at The Lowry

Workshops for young people at The Lowry, starting September 2024 include visual art workshops for young carers and young people needing extra support, and creative theatre sessions for young carers. These run on Tuesday evening. See the Workshop Flyer for more information.

Self Care

Aside support, supervision and services available to us in our organisations to support you and your colleagues, you should also prioritise taking better care of yourself and pay attention to what you need.

The following information and resources have been identified to support the wellbeing of our people and teams in the workplace including how we look after ourselves.

Information and learning on a variety of subject matters related to safeguarding children and adults, can also be accessed through the SSCP Training Programme, 7 minute briefings, learning from Practice Reviews and the SSCP You Tube Channel.

All enquiries concerning the welfare or safety of a child or requests for information MUST BE SENT DIRECTLY to the Bridge Partnership.

The Bridge Partnership can be contacted on 0161 603 4500. All referrals and requests for support must be completed on the online referral form. The Bridge Partnership is available Monday to Friday 8.30am - 4.30pm. If you need to speak to someone outside these times, please contact the Emergency Duty Team (EDT) on 0161 794 8888. If a child is in immediate danger of being harmed or is home alone, call the police on 999.

If you are worried about an adult - Report abuse or neglect by telephone on: 0161 206 0604. For further information visit the Safeguarding adults page on the Salford City Council website.

Latest news

Details of all the latest news from the Salford Safeguarding Children Partnership.

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